Monday, January 2, 2012

Picture of the Day - Jan 2nd, 2012

Today is Kathy's last day home of about a two week vacation.  She is a master cook, and can take the most random ingredients and make some truly amazing dishes.  My experiments, while sometimes pretty decent, usually consist of throwing everything in a pot or baking dish and calling it _____ casserole.  Hardly creative at all, but usually edible.

Anyway, here are today's mystery ingredients:  Dijon mustard, a can of cranberry sauce, a tube of crescent rolls, and a pack of Little Smokies.  I can't wait to see how this turns out.....


  1. I can't either! Lil' Smokies!! YUM!

  2. OK, the "pigs in a blanket" experiment did not work so well. Oh well, sometimes that happens.
