Sunday, June 17, 2012

How I Spent My Father's Day

(Insert obligatory "It has been awhile since I posted" post here).  Honestly, though, I haven't felt all that inspired to write more than a one or two sentence update on Facebook in quite awhile.  However, today is Father's day, and the inspiration has hit hard.  If you'd like to see why it is great to be the dad in my household, keep reading.

As I'm training for a half marathon in July, I needed to do a long run this morning, so a little after 6:00 am I was out on the course trying to do 13.1 miles.  I didn't quite make the full 13, but got in 12 before I walked in the last mile.  As I crossed the last bridge before arriving at Sandstone Ranch, there was my daughter waving her arms at me, encouraging me to keep going.  And trust me, I needed the encouragement.

Kathy was just up the hill with water waiting, which was also much needed.  Drove home, and hosed off the two pounds of sweat that my scale informed me I had lost since my last weigh-in just before I ran.  Got dressed, layed on the bed and crashed.  Meanwhile, Kathy comes in, grabs some laundry, starts it, then comes back upstairs to keep me company and rub my back.  (As a guy, I knew this was the universal sign that I would be obligated to put out, but I was too tired, so hopefully she'd understand).

It was almost 11, and the discussion turned to lunch.  I asked Becca if she would be interested in Pump House, which she said she was as long as she could share some wings with me.  (Did I mention that I love this girl?)  Had a good lunch, complete with wings and a buffalo burger to put back some of those 1600 calories I supposedly had burned off today, then went to the seafood store to get some walleye fillets for dinner, then to Menchies for a little frozen yogurt dessert.  Things certainly couldn't get much better, could they??

We got home and I layed down on the couch, which proceeded to swallow me and force me to take a nap.  Kathy was fantastic today at letting me be super lazy, even though she had actually run further than the 12 miles I ran this morning.  3:30 rolls around, it is off for a massage.  Life is still good.

When I got home, the walleye was marinating, the mushrooms were sauteing, the wild rice was boiling, and the cuke salad was chilling.  I grilled the fish and had probably one of the best dinners I've had all year.  Could it POSSIBLY get any better?

Why yes it could.  Our A/C decided to die on us this afternoon (that isn't the "better" part), so Becca has been putting damp towels and hats in the freezer and letting us wrap them around our heads to stay cool.   And lucky for me, Becca has been reviewing a "spa book" that she got awhile ago.  She found the page that said grapes can help smooth and repair damaged skin, so she offered to rub a half a grape on each of the bottoms of my feet, because, you know, they are a little cracked and damaged.  My grape foot rub was followed by a back lotioning, and then a back rub.

My family made my life remarkably nice today, even much much more so than I deserve.  I'm one of the lucky ones, that's for sure.