Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The First Album I Ever Owned

While listening to the radio tonight, I heard a song that used to be one of my favorites from the first album (well, technically the second) I ever owned.  The song is We Got the Beat by the Go Go's.  I wish I could remember the details of when I got this album (Beauty and the Beat), but I know it was released in 1981, so I'm sure it was sometime around when I was 10 or 11 years old.  As a young boy, I was seriously into video games (I wonder where my son gets it??).  For one of my birthdays, our neighbors got me my first LP - Pac Man Fever.  I really liked some of the songs on this album, but I remember hearing a song about that time by the Go Go's that I didn't know the name of but loved.  It sounded to me like "Honest the Eel" (????), and it was shortly after I received the Pac Man Fever album that my boyhood desire to own Honest the Eel by a group of five hot chicks won me over, so I traded my brand new audio tribute to video games for a chance to hear (and see on the album cover) Belinda Carlisle and her crew of hotties.

The actual name of the song I liked so much is Our Lips Are Sealed, and on the rare occasion I that I hear it on the radio these days, I always turn it up.  This song, as well as We Got the Beat, helped define what music in the 80s was all about to me.  I did a little research on this album tonight.  It hit #1 on the Billboard charts, sold over three million copies, and is one of the most successful debut albums of all time.  On Rolling Stone's list of the top 500 albums of all time, it was ranked (drum roll please).....413.  Heck, Van Halen's debut album was only ranked 415.  Not too shabby. :)

I kinda miss the 80s, when I was too young to have to worry about the problems of the world and the music was just, fun.  I have no idea where my LP of Beauty and the Beat is these days, but I've got my digital copy on Itunes.  Think I'll spend the next 32 minutes reliving those days long gone.....

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