Tuesday, February 1, 2011

And the Results Are In

We adopted a puppy from the Boulder Humane Society at the beginning of January.  We named her Bella.  They said she was a Great Pyrenees mix, but didn't know what she was mixed with.  She is a big puppy, and after looking at some pictures online and getting some opinions from friends, she definitely seemed like she could be mixed with a mastiff of some sort, possibly a Great Dane.

Well, we were really curious if our hunch was correct, so we picked up a "doggie DNA" test from Wisdom Panel.  The test involved swabbing the inside of Bella's cheek with a couple of small bristle brushes, then putting the brushes in a sterile package and mailing them to the lab for analysis.  The instructions say to expect results in two to three weeks, and this would be the third week.  Today, those results were emailed to us.  Oh boy.....

The results identify grandparents, then parents, and finally the best guess of the breed (or mix) of the dog in question.  One set of grandparents indeed was a Great Pyrenees, but mixed with "mixed breed", so they couldn't pin that one down.  The other set of grandparents was the intriguing one.  It said she had American Staffordshire Terrier as one grandparent, combined with........

a Dachshund.  Yes, a Dachshund.  Now, we knew we were getting a mutt, and we really have no problem with that in the least.  I LOVE Great Danes, though (at least other peoples' Great Danes), so I was really excited to think our new pup may have some of that in her.  But a Dachshund???  Seriously?   You've got to be kidding me.  A Dachshund??

After looking at some staffy/dachshund/pyrenees mix pics, we still aren't completely convinced that she's going to look anything like a Dachshund, and she is still a big puppy, so we'll see what she grows into.  "Mixed breed" very well could mean "horse", so there is still a chance of having a giant Great Dane-like dog in a couple of years.  But even if she doesn't grow that big, she's still a sweet dog (usually), and we're still happy to have her in our home.  Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go clean a puddle off of the floor......

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