Sunday, June 5, 2011

Some Inspiration

I'm disappointed in myself for not posting more often, but I am also trying not to post just for the sake of posting either.  This may be a little more of the latter, but I wanted to share a couple of videos I found today that were pretty inspiring.

The first is a video by Neil Pasricha called "The Three A's of Awesome".   It is almost 20 minutes long, but has a good message about how to get the most out of life.  The gist of it is, there are going to be roadblocks and obstacles in your life, and how you choose to handle those will determine how far you are able to move forward.  Anyway, the video caught my attention, and maybe it will yours too.

The other video which caught my eye today was this one.  This video shows a kindergarten teacher's classroom in Mexico, where two rival drug cartels are having a gunfight just outside of the school (apparently several people were killed in it).  The teacher has the kids on the floor, but is very calm and begins to sing with them so they don't freak out in a very scary situation.  I know at least 3 current or former kindergarten teachers who kickbox with me, and I can imagine all three of them acting in a similar manner even though I am quite sure all of them would also be completely freaking out on the inside.  It takes a special kind of person to succeed as a kindergarten teacher, and this woman in Mexico appears to have that gift (as do my kickboxer friends). 

Anyway, two videos with nothing more in common other than they inspired me, and hopefully they'll stir something in your like they did in me today.

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