Monday, January 24, 2011

P90X is the devil (and I mean that in a good way)

I'm trying to get back into a fitness routine...for myself.  I think like a lot of people, we get in ruts sometimes, where we skip a day for something, which then becomes a couple days, then a week, and pretty soon you realize that you've lost a lot of the gains you may have picked up from the last attempt.  I teach a fitness kickboxing class several days a week, and although I know I should be setting a good example, I've fallen into this same rut I see so many other people fall into. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm terribly overweight, and in general I'm happy with my definition.  My issue is endurance.  I have fast twitch muscles.  I swam competitively for over ten years, through high school and college, and even when I was in my best shape, I couldn't go much more than 100 yards in the pool before I was completely spent.  My endurance has always been my weak area, and when I haven't worked to improve it consistently, well, things can get ugly, and this is very evident when I spar.  I'd like to improve my endurance, and I've started another go of it today.

I've seen most of the P90X workouts, and they are brutal.  I incorporate lots of those exercises into my classes because they are very effective, and so many of them are body weight exercises.  Anyone who has the discipline to stick with this routine for 90 days (and of course doesn't die in the process), is virtually guaranteed to come out of it looking and feeling better than when they started.  Today I'm starting at day 1, and I intend to go through 90 days of it and see how I'm feeling by May.  The first workout focuses on chest and back.  Imagine every variation of pushup and pullup you can think of, and then do them for about 45 minutes.  My arms are spaghetti, and that is exactly how they should be right now.  Let the fun begin!

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