Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I'll Be Back.....

After a nagging chest cold for most of November and some of October, during which the extent of my workouts were lifting bottles of Advil and cough syrup, and also during which any semblance of endurance I had completely left the building, I have finally gotten back into workout mode.

Now, it is no secret that my man card has been nonexistent for quite some time now.  However, one part of it that has always been alive and well is that I am a complete wuss when I'm sick.  This cold I had was just annoying, but made it difficult to breathe completely, so instead of fighting through it, I decided to wait it out.  And wait.  And wait.  Annnnnnnd......back to square one.  I had a TKD belt test at the tail end of my bout with near death, and during it I had to spar for maybe 15 minutes off and on.  At the end, I could barely stand (no joke)...I was indeed completely back to where I started.  It is good to have a fire lit under you sometimes, and this was my fire.

So what's the plan?  I'm trying to run 2-3 days a week.  Since it is winter, and I'm a cold wuss, I'll have to do some of that on a treadmill.  I'm learning to accept that, and the TV down there helps, although there is only so much of "The View" and hearing Whoopi Goldberg talk about shaved pudendas that I can handle (true story).  I'm also cycling through various workouts from P90X, Insanity, and Infinite Intensity for added cardio and plyo training.  Finally, I'm doing some strength training a couple of times a week.  So far, this has been working well, and I'm still motivated every day to workout (which has been an issue for me in the past at times). 

Recently, an elementary school friend turned me on to a "burpee challenge", where you do one burpee the first day, two the second, three the third, and so on up to 100 on day 100.  Just so happened that I had done 100 burpees earlier that day, just to see if I could, so I figured I'd try to start at 100 and work up to 200.  Currently I'm at 107.  Yeah, the next 93 days looks a little daunting to me too.

So it is time again to put up or shut up, so that's what I intend to do.  Many of my kickboxing students have been so inspiring with their motivation and the effort they're putting in every class.  Those students are inspiring each other, and they also inspire me.  Let's do this......

(Awesome x-ray photo courtesy of Bobbie Turner Photography)

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