Saturday, June 11, 2011

Do Unto Others....

I read this article in my local paper this week and it infuriated me.  This is the story of one Mr. Bob McIntosh.  Mr. McIntosh was pulled over for going 41 mph in a 20 mph school zone.  Mr. McIntosh was not happy that he was pulled over for such a petty offense as speeding in an area full of children, so he proceeded to swear at the officer.  The officer warned him that if he didn't stop, he would place Mr. McIntosh under arrest.  Mr. McIntosh either didn't believe him or didn't care, so the officer arrested him.  After 3 hours in custody, and after soliciting the services of lawyer David Lane, Mr. McIntosh has been awarded $20,00 for "violation of his first amendment rights".  What a joke.

As Mr. Lane so eloquently puts it, "I can't arrest you for telling me to go screw myself".  Legally, that may be true.  Morally, though?  Yes, I know how the slippery slope argument goes....if we prosecute someone for saying something that someone doesn't like, where will it end?  Again, legally, sadly, Mr. McIntosh has the "right" to be an asshole, and he exercised that right to perfection.  But $20,000 for literally 3 hours of trouble?  (He plead guilty to the speeding charge).  I was always taught to respect people of authority (and an officer of the law certainly qualifies) regardless of whether I can "legally" call him any name I want to.  Mr. McIntosh was morally in the wrong, and when you have to hire David Lane to defend your actions, you are all but admitting that you behaved in a way that any decent member of society would frown upon. 

Mr. McIntosh, I hope you do the right thing and donate 100% of your windfall to a good charity, because God knows you don't deserve a penny of it for your behavior that day.

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