Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Christianity and Faith

I read a letter to the editor in the Longmont paper today from a Mr. Greg Grandchamp.  Religion has been a hot topic in the Times Call lately, and Mr. Grandchamp wrote in to explain his beliefs from a Christian point of view.  He made some good points, not all of which were necessarily provable, but what really struck a chord with me was the last part of his letter:

"But what if I’m wrong?   What if everything I believe is false?  One big scam. The Bible is “mythology.” If so, then I have lived what is left of my life with a certainty of something bigger and greater than me. I have the answers to why I’m here and the belief that I will spend eternity in paradise. I have joy in my heart that cannot be taken from me, regardless of any possible circumstances. I have lived knowing that I am loved by God, and I have lived my life serving him and others for him. And when I die, I will never know the difference."

I consider myself a Christian.  Probably not a very good Christian (I don't remember the last time I went to church), but I definitely believe in God.  But put me up in a debate with an atheist who is a skilled debater, and I imagine I'd look foolish every time, because I simply can't prove beyond an atheist's shadow of a doubt that God exists or that His son Jesus died for our sins.  So many of my beliefs are based on faith, but of course it has crossed my mind "what if I am wrong?"  Thank you, Mr. Grandchamp, for summing it up nicely for me.


  1. On a lighter note, Steve Martin has another good reason to be a Christian ... listen to his song, "Atheists Don't Have No Songs" at 12:03 in this video: http://video.pbs.org/video/1633720535

  2. And on a more serious note, thank you for your entry and for sharing Mr. Grandchamp's words. I admire his outlook.

  3. It sounds like he has honed in basis of Pascal's Wager.
