Saturday, February 11, 2012

Aaron's Trumpet Solo

Today, I got to see Aaron play a solo on his trumpet at a local middle school.  I don't know the logistics of who was there, but there were several area middle schools represented.  Aaron played his piece in front of a "judge" who then gave him some helpful feedback on his playing, as well as a handful of other people waiting for their kids' turns.  The piece he played was "Serenade from Don Giovanni".  Here is a link to his performance:

Aaron's solo

Two things went through my mind today.  Actually, many more thoughts went through my mind today, but I will address two of them.  First, I couldn't help but picture the scene from "The Music Man" where the band gets together and does their concert for the parents, all of whom think their kids sound like the best ever to play their instruments.  I, of course thought Aaron rocked.

But the second thought that crossed my mind this the same kid that, just a few short months ago, could only make sounds on that trumpet that were probably comparable to that of an African elephant that also was not yet very experienced at playing a trumpet?  Today, he was playing music, and he looked like he knew what he was doing!  He wasn't nervous at all...he just matter of factly got up there, did his thing, received his feedback, and then sat back down.  I'm excited that he's actually not too bad at playing the trumpet now.  I'll be curious to see if chooses to keep at it, and if so, I'll look forward to hearing what he will be able to play after he's had some time to practice.  Should be some good stuff because today, he rocked.

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit . . . I was afraid to watch. The thought of beginners playing brass instruments scares me (almost as much as beginners on violins). But I watched and listened, and he was actually pretty good! Way to go, Aaron! I am proud of you for all the hard work you must have put in.
