Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Cracks in the Earth

Obviously everyone by now has seen the utter devastation in Japan from the earthquake and tsunami.  Lots of videos floating around, but this one intrigued me.  It doesn't show the massive destruction that so many other videos have shown, but it has some really cool closeups of some smaller cracks forming through some paved paths and sidewalks.  You can actually see the ground moving back and forth. 

And the Earth moved.....

I have only been in one earthquake in my life, in San Diego probably some 20 years ago.  I woke up to the room rocking back and forth, and before I knew what was going on, it was over.  I think it was a magnitude 5. something, so really small, very little damage.  It was still disorienting, so I couldn't even imagine being in a 9.0 that last for over a minute.

Also found an interesting article about why there is so little looting going on in Japan.  If only the citizens of all countries could come together more like this in times of crisis. 

Where are the looters?

 Here is hoping the Japanese people can put their country back together quickly and safely. 

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